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Oat milk & Mimosa Himalayan salt bar

The ultimate in-shower deodorant bar you need to incorporate into your daily routine. This bar controls your odor & keeps you fresh all day!
Directions – With wet hands rub on top of the bar to gather sufficient lather and run your hands under water to build the foam. Do not soak the bar in water and keep it in a dry place to ensure a longer period of use. A little bit goes a long way!

2 reviews for Oat milk & Mimosa Himalayan salt bar

  1. Yusra AE

    An amazing bar, cleared skin and kept me feeling fresh

  2. Shyami

    I have used this many times , lovely texture and skin feels moistened from the first use

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Oat milk & Mimosa Himalayan salt bar

Elevate your daily shower routine to new heights of freshness with our groundbreaking Radiant Revive In-Shower Deodorant Soap. Crafted with care, this innovative 2-in-1 solution combines the rejuvenating power of oat milk and the enchanting essence of mimosa to bring you an invigorating cleanse that keeps you feeling remarkably fresh all day long. This Salt bar has been a staple for the past 4 years due to its incredible results and benefits.

Key Ingredients 
  • Oat Milk
  • Mimosa
  • Pink Himalayan salt
  • Coconut Oil
  • Castor Oil
  • Lye
  • Mild Fragrance

Skin Types – All skin types: Extremely effective for Sensitive & Dry Skin

Harnessing the Power of Oat Milk, Mimosa, and Pink Himalayan Salt:

Oat Milk Marvel:

Discover the skin-loving benefits of oat milk, expertly blended into our deodorant bar to:

  1. Hydrate and Soothe: Immerse your skin in a gentle wave of hydration, as oat milk works its magic to retain moisture and keep your skin feeling silky and soft.
  2. Comfort and Calm: Bid farewell to irritation and discomfort, as oat milk’s anti-inflammatory properties provide a soothing embrace for even the most sensitive skin types.
  3. Elevate Texture: Embrace a new level of smoothness as oat milk’s natural emollients transform your skin’s texture, leaving it irresistibly touchable.

Mimosa Magic:

Experience the enchanting aura of mimosa, enhancing your skin with a touch of magic that:

  • Revitalizes and Restores: Infuse your skin with renewed vigor as the captivating essence of mimosa revitalizes and imparts a youthful glow.


  • Antioxidant Protection: Mimosa contains various antioxidants, including flavonoids and phenolic compounds, which help protect the skin from oxidative stress caused by free radicals. This can help prevent premature aging and maintain a youthful appearance.


  • Anti-Inflammatory: Mimosa has anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe and calm irritated skin. It may be beneficial for individuals with sensitive or reactive skin, as it can reduce redness and discomfort. This bar is ideal for those who experience constant rashes and eczema as well


  • Wound Healing: The compounds found in mimosa have been shown to promote wound healing and tissue regeneration. This can be particularly useful for addressing minor cuts, scrapes, and other skin irritations.


  • Moisturizing: Mimosa extract is often used in skincare products for its moisturizing properties. It helps to hydrate the skin, improve its moisture barrier, and prevent dryness, leaving the skin soft and supple.


  • Aromatic Uplift: Elevate your spirits with the mood-enhancing aroma of mimosa, setting the stage for a day brimming with positivity and self-assuredness.

The Pink Himalayan Salt Advantage:

Elevate your freshness experience with the extraordinary addition of Pink Himalayan Salt, a natural wonder that sets our deodorant bar apart:

  • Mineral-Rich Purification: Pink Himalayan Salt’s mineral content purifies and detoxifies your skin, offering a rejuvenating cleanse that promotes overall skin health.


  • Odor Neutralization: Harnessing its natural deodorizing properties, Pink Himalayan Salt helps neutralize odor-causing bacteria, ensuring you stay confidently fresh throughout the day.


  • Exfoliating Elegance: Delight in the gentle exfoliation offered by Pink Himalayan Salt, as it sloughs away dead skin cells, leaving behind a polished, radiant complexion.

Embrace the Incredible Freshness:

  • Effortless Elegance: Elevate your shower routine effortlessly with our all-in-one solution that cleanses, protects, and invigorates, saving you precious time.
  • Unwavering Confidence: The harmonious blend of oat milk, mimosa, and Pink Himalayan Salt instills a profound sense of confidence, allowing you to embrace every moment with self-assuredness.
  • Personalized Wellness: Crafted for all skin types, our deodorant bar is a testament to our commitment to providing a gentle, effective, and personalized freshness experience.
  • Sustainability Embodied: Join us in our eco-conscious journey with our responsibly packaged deodorant bar, reflecting our dedication to both your well-being and the environment.

Elevate your daily ritual with the remarkable fusion of oat milk, mimosa, and Pink Himalayan Salt. Unveil a fresher, more confident you as you embark on a sensory journey that transforms your shower into an oasis of invigoration and indulgence. Discover the incredible freshness that awaits – it’s more than just a deodorant bar; it’s a celebration of your vibrant self.



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